MAYFLY SPINNERS Split tails, goose biot bodies, dubbed thorax, deer hair wing. Click on picture to enlarge
Sulphur   Rusty Spinner   Blue Wing Olive    

Yellow Spinner

Dun hackle tail, pale yellow dubbed body with sparse zelon wing

Price: $2.00


Rusty Spinner
Dun hackle tail, rusty brown dubbed body with zelon wing.



Olive Spinner
Dun tail, light olive goose biot body, olive thorax with zelon wing

Price: $2.00



Male Trico Spinner

Male Trico Spinner
Micro Fibett tails, black body, grizzly hackle wing clipped off the bottom for a low float and good visibility

Price: $2.00



Female Trico Spinner

Female Trico Spinner
Similar to the male but
with a light olive abdomen
and black thorax

Price: $2.00





Whitewater Fly Company, 726 Madison Ave. SW, Eyota, MN 55934

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Relics of Agassiz Digital Production House